Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bonnaroo isn't until June but we're ready to rock...sheetrock that is!

Organization is key to overseeing the building of a house -- especially when it comes to finances. At the beginning of this process, we created an Excel spreadsheet in which we insert totals from each bill so that we may keep a running total on the whole process. Each receipt we receive is filed in our binder titled 'Building the White House.' (C'mon, people, what else would it be called?!) It's a good idea to look over the details of every receipt. Well, this time we have a feeling we have been billed twice because we have two invoices that are identical. We'll take that up with Builders Supply tomorrow, but the moral of this paragraph: be organized and pay close attention to invoices/receipts.

And, hello, spring weather. Oh, how we have missed thee! We spent some time at the homestead today checking out the progress. The house is almost entirely insulated except for about a third of the attic. The house is amazingly soundproof to the exterior with the installation of the foam insulation, and you can already tell a difference in the interior temperature. On Friday, the drywall was delivered. The sheetrockers should begin tomorrow. In the words of AC/DC: 'For those about to sheetrock...we salute you!'

OMG! It's a big green fungus taking over our living room ceiling!

Our warm and soundproof living room.


We are rather saddened by the remnants of the spray foam that occupies these trashbags. Any ideas on how to minimize this on Indy's future projects?

And there is a truck in our front yard...a really big truck with lots of really complex controls. However, this is no ordinary truck. It is the truck that will drill our geothermal wells, hopefully tomorrow. 

Parting shot: View of our house from the next's that white speck in the top right.

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