Sunday, August 15, 2010

The devil is in the egg...err...I mean the details

First, I would like to give a big shout out to my two biggest blog fans, my granny and my mother-in-law!! Granny prints off every blog post and is compiling a blog folder (for our kids, she says), and Rosa Lee, being the avid blog reader that she is, never misses an opportunity to call or message us with words of encouragement. With that said, I do thoroughly enjoy all of my blog readers!

Okay, enough of that. What has been going on since August 3rd? Noel met with Drew and Eugene, the electrical engineer and his compadre (respectively), a couple of Tuesdays ago. An electrical engineer has to sketch out a drawing of our electrical line plans in order to get a price for us. To our surprise it is going to be a bit cheaper than we thought it would be. Awesome news! So we can put a check mark beside that step.

Our land is scheduled to be logged sometime in September, may be earlier if Jolley Brothers can get around to it. I spoke with them the other day and they mentioned that we needed to mark the trees that we didn't want logged, so Noel and I trucked it down to Lynchvegas late one afternoon to do just that (and, yes, it was still every bit of 95 degrees at 7pm when we were tromping through the woods). And, we loved every sweltering minute of it!

Our biggest story of the week is the meeting with Pickle. The day prior to our meeting he asked us to go to the cabinetmaker and get a bid for our cabinets. Well, of course, Noel was at work, and I had to work in Tullahoma that afternoon. The cabinetmaker is in Shelbyville (on the way to Tullahoma) so I made an impromptu meeting with Henry's Cabinets and stopped by on my way to work. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. We have seen lots of Henry's work in several houses we have visited. Henry can make some mean cabinets. We are still waiting on the bid from Henry's (even though it was suppose to be in our inboxes on Monday). Luckily, Henry supplies cabinets for both Pickle and Indy houses. Pickle met with us at our townhouse for about an hour the next day to go over everything else. Because of the domestic dispute at our last meeting, he was not able to discuss materials, appliances, plumbing and lighting fixtures, flooring, and all the extras with us. In order to get the most accurate bid possible, he needed to know this information. You know that a lot of stuff goes into a house but you just don't realize all the details until you are forced to pay attention to them, and I'm sure we haven't even scratched the surface of details. It's amazing and overwhelming all at the same time.

We hope to start breaking ground in October!! You might be thinking that we've got to finish that fence or we're going to have cattle standing in our living room. Well, you're right, we do. What are you waiting for?! Roll up those sleeves and get over here!

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