Saturday, October 9, 2010

Noel, please stop playing with your wood

Folks we are on our way to a new homestead!

We closed on our construction loan. Our bank even had a small gift waiting on us at closing. They started a construction photo album for us and gave us a Lowe's gift card! I would have preferred a no interest loan but, hey, we appreciate the album and gift card. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon chopping firewood with Noel's new toy. Yep, he got himself a chainsaw! You see Wednesday night Noel got off at ten. He gets home and before even saying 'hello' walks up to me and asks, 'Do I look like a city boy?' 

'Yes, honey, you kinda do.'
Staring at me.
'You're too clean cut.'

Apparently, the salesperson at the tool store showed Noel how to crank a chainsaw. He was insulted and now, I suppose, feels that he needs to bear more of a resemblance to Paul Bunyon as opposed to Anderson Cooper. Personally, I much prefer Anderson...but that's for an entirely different blog. Long story short, now we have a pile of firewood -- if only we had a fireplace.

All of the sudden I have a hankerin' for some hot chocolate and a good book.

Show that log whose boss!

Seriously, Noel, clean your poor car.

We also replaced the old electric fence solar charger with a brand spankin' new one. After installing the previous charger, Noel used an electric fence testing device to read the amount of voltage flowing through the fence. The charger did not pick up a voltage reading. Not wanting cows to come through the fence, Noel decided to get a new charger. Well, baby, this thing must have some serious zap because it reads up to 3,000 volts now!

We finally met with Indy in the early evening at our property to discuss where the driveway should be cut, where the house will sit, land prep (aka bulldozer fun), and water and electric lines. Guess what?! We are getting a driveway on Monday!!

We also made the first purchase for our home on Friday. Geez, we don't waste any time, do we?! Oddly enough, it was the bamboo flooring...1,400 sq.ft. of it. We have had our eye on this stuff for quite a while and had already picked exactly what we wanted. After obtaining bids from three different places, we decided SimpleFloors in Georgia had the best product and price hands down. It was on sale (50% off) with discounted shipping and the sale, of course, would end Friday at midnight. Now, where to put all of this flooring?

*On a side note, all of this excitement in one day lead to the first semi-sleepless night. Every time I shut my eyes all I saw was firewood and countertops. Ha!

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