Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Oh no, Nemo

On Sunday afternoon, we met with the third and possibly final contractor that we are going to interview -- 'Fishy.' I have to admit when Fishy finally did meet up with us, he was a pretty nice guy. He was definitely the only interviewee to show up in khakis rather than jeans, but Noel thinks that just because it was Sunday. Now Dummies says during the interview process, the contractor should be the one doing the most talking since he is the one being interviewed. It could be that I just talk a lot, but this dude didn't offer much. As a matter of fact, the only contractor to do more talking than me was 'Indy.' We always focus on several key subjects: green building experience, warranty, workers' comp insurance, years of experience, and contractors' cut, just to name a few. He had minimal experience with eco-design and green building by his own admittance, offers a one-year warranty, carries the insurance, has been in the work his whole life, and takes a 15-20% cut. Now, I guess I do things and just don't realize my actions; but when this guy told us his cut (the highest of any other contractor), Noel said I promptly responded, "Welp, thanks for coming!" Nevertheless, he provided a boat-load of references that we need to call.

Noel and Dad finished up the barb wire section of the fence on Monday. Yes, now there are different sections. From the previous pictures, you can see that so far we have been working in a field with the fence. We are approaching the much dreaded wooded section. Noel and Dad pondered the logistics of fencing through the woods: the wicked root system in the hill, the inability to get a tractor in the woods on the steep embankment to dig post-holes, and the cons of using trees as posts. (We so lurve our trees!) They in all their genius have decided electric fencing will work just fine! We don't need stretcher posts (only T-posts....NO MORE TAMPING!!), and we should now be able to speed up this process. Watch out fence because we're both off this weekend!

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