Thursday was one of those days I like to refer to as a GSD, or a 'get shit done' day (an acronym my friends and I coined in school for those hit-the-book or fail-the-test study days). Although there was no book or test involved here, we needed a good hardcore day of fencing to get this thing looking like it has the potential to keep out cattle. Daddy and I put on our gloves and started digging. (Noel was working so we gave him a pass.) We dug holes, tamped posts, stabilized stretcher posts, and straightened T-posts (to correct the jagged-tooth look). Although Daddy provided brains for the project, I'd like to think my brute strength hung right in there with his. We placed two sets of stretcher posts far enough apart for a 12 foot gate and placed another set in the middle of a row of T-posts for stability. We refueled with a brief Subway picnic under a cedar tree. After five hours, we marveled at our work and winced at our sunburns. Yes, we look like a couple of strawberries and give a whole new meaning to the term 'redneck.' Turns out when it's breezy, you don't pay much attention to the blazing sun on your skin.

You know, you pic up the camera for one minute to get some shots
and Dad needs something. What does he think I'm there to do...
Future 12-ft gate.
The first big stretch of fencing lacks only the barb wire, and I'm told that stringing the wire is the easy part. The second largest stretch of fencing should be interesting. We've got to fence through the woods on a slope. No tractor to help here. Gee, I can't wait.
Man are we tired! Daddy can't muster the strength to even sit up,
and I am so delirious I can't match buttons on my shirt.
As for our grass seeds, I have a picture of grass! Thanks to the sun, grass is beginning to peek out of the ground. We may have a yard yet! However, I must admit that the picture below is of grass in a location where I had a massive, accidental seed dump at a point when I trying to adjust the seed slinger (or whatever that thing is called) around my neck.
Just makes you want to kick your shoes off, doesn't it?
Did you use any Vancouver granite for the construction? I hope so because that stuff is the best quality.