Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And you thought only fraternities threw foam parties!

The house is officially dried-in! The roof is complete. Let the inside work begin.

On Monday, Indy parked his trailer housing barrels of foam insulation ingredients at the homestead. 

A peek inside the foam mobile. All the cansisters house different ingredients that combine to make the foam.

Yesterday foaming commenced. Apparently as the foam is being sprayed, it emits a pungent odor, which requires the foam dudes to wear respirators when spraying (envision the E.T. scientist suits). When I got to the homestead, I popped my head in the house and didn't smell any chemical odor. Nevertheless, I didn't want to galavant around in the house if I shouldn't be. After talking to Indy, he told me it was fine to go on in and look around because the smell dissipates 15 minutes after spraying. At that particular time, the foam guys were trimming the excess from the walls and bagging up the remnants in a trash bag. 

The foam snake

Foam in the raw (prior to being trimmed)

Trimming the foam with a flexible jigsaw

Close up of the finished product

We are the first house that Indy is foaming in its entirety. He is using two types of foam in our house -- a fluffy foam (for the walls and ceiling of the attic) and a much denser foam (for the subfloor to keep our tootsies warm). With this method of insulation, foam will insulate the ceiling of the attic as opposed to the floor of the attic (which is done with fiberglass or blown cellulose insulation). As the foam is sprayed in the attic ceiling, it is not trimmed flush with the rafters. The insulation in the subfloor increases the efficiency of our geothermal system (as does the attic insulation) and pretty much eliminates a chance for mold to build up in the floor joists.

We also spoke to Indy about our idea to install vinyl tiles as opposed to porcelain tiles in the utility room. Turns out there is no real cost savings. We also talked about the ceiling in the great room (considering Indy believes that they'll get started on drywall by Friday). We wanted to install a bead board ceiling with beams to add a little character to the house.

As you know, we always want to be a step ahead. So when I asked Indy what we need to be picking out next, he said interior paint color. How fun!! Evidently, it's drywall then interior paint and trim. We hope finishing the exterior siding is on the agenda as well. 

The parting shot: aka the booty shot

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